I have been doing a lot of reflecting these last few weeks as I have approached Chapter 35. So many changes have occurred in my life in 2021 alone that I’m still in awe of how God works. I’m also so proud of my growth as a woman. Leaving 34 behind, I must say I have some great take aways to ensure I grow even more in Chapter 35. Here are a few things I’ve learned, and I am truly applying in my life at 35.

Allow your past to be your past. That can be difficult especially when people try to remind you of your past consistently or people are attached to objects or people who are from your past. I realize in order to release your past you have to let go of some people, some objects, some memories that keep you holding on. I do realize your past shapes you into your now but all things don’t make it to your next chapter. Learn from it, grow from it, but mostly importantly heal from it.

Be teachable! So many times we think we know it all or we are afraid to let go of old habits and gain better ones. I hear so much “this is just how I am!” But what if that statement and thought process is blocking you from your blessings and growth. Sometimes we know a behavior is toxic, but we haven’t had someone who love us come to us and say I know you can be better. For someone to say, I see the potential in you, and they won’t allow you to stay in that toxic behavior is love. Then sometimes you just realize if I stay this way I will never make it to the next level and recognize you must change. So, be around people who will make you level up in all areas of your life.

People will hurt you even if you have looked them in their face and told them your pain. The reality of it is people are all about themselves. I realized I had to stop putting unrealistic expectations on people especially people I love or loved. We live in a selfish world not self less. So, I have learned to have grace for the people who would intentionally hurt me. I was only hurting myself by wondering how and why, and that energy could be poured into here and now!

What and who is for me….is for me. People will try to tear you down! They will try to make you feel you can’t accomplish your goals, you aren’t smart enough, strong enough, even hard to love. I learned that what is for me no man can take away. God already has it written in my story. Now….the chapters may alter on how I get there based on decisions I make and how hard I am willing to work. But the purpose is already written. Lately I’ve been doing my part and the outcome has been so rewarding. People who are for me have been showing up and showing out tremendously. It’s at the point I don’t even have to ask (which is so hard for me to do) but y’all these people just show up. Get you a squad that shows up for you on your good days, your bad days, your celebrations, your mishaps, all that!!!!! Pay attention to who is really rooting for you and keep them close.

Love like you’ve never been hurt. It took me saying that aloud to realize I truly needed to live by that statement. It difficult to do that though. Imagine trusting in people and they continue to hurt you whether it’s your parents who started your foundation to love, your significant other, your friends, etc. That can become mentally and emotionally draining and exhausting. You start doubting if you are even able to be loved. Please believe you are beyond worthy to be loved. And the right person/people will never make you feel like you are even on your worst day. On those worst days they will shower you with an abundance of love. So, don’t be afraid to love and receive love. It’s such a beautiful thing we take for granted because it’s no longer valued as it should be. The growing me is all about loving unconditionally and receiving all that love in return!

Discover who you truly are! What is your identity outside of being titles to everyone else. I remember the time I was just the TADBoys mom, or his girlfriend, her friend, etc. Each day I am learning more and more about who I am and my purpose. If I’m going to be selfish about anything it is unlocking all my potential to be exactly the woman I was put on this earth to be.

Lastly, love the skin you’re in! I am embracing every beautiful quality and every flaw I have with the same energy. It’s makes you who you are! If you aren’t waking up every day looking at yourself like girl you are amazing so let’s go tackle the world then I want you to do some self reflecting. Your flaws make you unique so why hate them. Change the things about you that you can change (your weight, hair color, etc.) but love those flaws that society has deemed to be not beautiful. I realize all of me is beautiful and I believe that. So, it felt amazing to go into 35 showing my flawed beauty.

I am ready to see all the great things that Chapter 35 has in store not only for myself but the people around me. I know this is my year of continued growth, many blessings, a lot of memories, and so much love. I’m not the woman I use to be and I’m so in love with the woman I am becoming. I hope this year you live in your purpose, love and receive love, and don’t allow your past to define you. Remember our eyes, our mind, our feet, and our heart should move “ALWAYS FORWARD, NEVER BACK!”

“INHALE the future, EXHALE the past.”


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